


Beer Name: Red Rye Pale Ale
Date 12 September 2014
Brew Length 25 Original Gravity 1050 EBU 36
Efficiency (%) 75 Racking Gravity 1012 ABV 4.8%
Grains/Adjuncts Weight (kg) 100% 75% Sugars
Pale Malt 3.500 42.00 31.50 63.0%
Rye Malt 1.000 11.20 8.40 16.8%
Carared 0.500 5.40 4.05 8.1%
Crystal Malt 0.250 2.68 2.01 4.0%
Malted Wheat 0.250 2.68 2.01 4.0%
Vienna Malt 0.250 2.70 2.03 4.1%
Total for Grain 5.750 1066.66 1050.00
Racking 1012.50
Copper Hops
Hop Schedule Amount (g) %AA BU
Perle Start 35 7 26.46
Aroma Hops
Hop Schedule Amount (g) %AA BU
Amerillo 15 mins 15 9.2 6.62
Amerillo 5 mins 15 9.2 2.76
Amerillo 0 mins 50 9.2 0.00
Clarifying Amount (g) Schedule
Protofloc 1 tablet 15 mins
Yeast WLP051 Californian V
Mash Time 90mins Strike Temperature 74
Boil Time 60mins Mash Temperature 66
Batch Sparge Calculation
Loss to Hops 3 Top Up Liquor 5.675
Dead Space 1 Second Batch 20.05
Evaporation 15.00% Total Sparge Liquor 25.725
Mash Liquor 14.375 Total Liquor 40.1
How Much wort collected (after boil and runoff) 24
Gravity of Collected Wort 1048
Amount of water to add to achieve required gravity -0.96
Total Figures 23.04 litres        @ 1050
Calculated Efficiency 0.00%
FG 1016 Actual ABV 4.42%

by Calum Craigie


SCB 2011 January Meeting

scb_yeast_trial_feb_20111It had been a few years since the last SCB yeast trial so we thought it was time to try it again. We selected the January meeting as traditionally it is a well supported meeting and we were sure that this type of experiment would attract some of the local brewers.