As part of the Scottish National Homebrew Competition Results Week – Scottish Craft Brewers are honoured to host a talk on American IPAs from Mitch Steele. Mitch literally wrote the book on IPAs – and it’s available here!
Since graduating from UC Davis in 1984 with a fermentation science degree, he has brewed at some of the largest and smallest breweries in the world. After starting on a 14 bbl system at the San Andreas Brewing Co., Mitch joined Anheuser-Busch in 1992, managing brewhouse and fermenting operations in three breweries, and managing new beer development as part of the Anheuser-Busch Specialty Brewing group in the mid-1990s. Mitch joined Stone Brewing Co. in 2006 as Brewmaster and now serves as Brewmaster and COO at New Realm Brewing Company in Atlanta.
The session will be held on Thursday 17th February at 8pm on Facebook Live and Zoom; sign up on our Facebook page or email for details.
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