Keith Bailey from Norwich Amateur Brewers took Bronze on the British and Irish Porter and Stout table with his English Porter featuring home grown hops. He’s kindly shared the recipe below.
1909 Porter
13C English Porter
- ABV 4.9%
- OG 1.050
- FG 1.013
- IBU 34
- Mash 64C
- 63.5% Maris Otter
- 24% Munich II
- 4.2% Brown Malt
- 4.2% Chocolate Malt
- 4.2% Dark Crystal Malt 250 EBC
- 60min: Hallertau Zuchstamm to 26 IBU
- 15min: Cobb Goldings (Homegrown) to 6 IBU
- 5min: Cobb Goldings (Homegrown) to 2 IBU
- Crossmyloof Pia
- Strike at 71.5C
- Mash at 64C for 45 minutes
- Mash Out at 72C for 30 minutes
- Ferment at 20C