Belonging to a homebrew club like ours allows you to meet and learn from other brewers, both experienced and inexperienced. To gain feedback on your brews and to have some fun while you learn.
At Scottish Craft brewers we have members from all brewing levels of experience, backgrounds and abilities. We are a friendly bunch so why not come join us at our next meeting.
Membership costs £8 per year (£4 unwaged or student) and is due in April each year. This covers our administration, printing and other costs. This payment can be made through a direct debit/standing order.
For those of you who prefer to do things using online banking:
Account No: 00245890
Sort Code: 80-05-63
Name of Payee A/C Scottish Craft Brewers
If you prefer there is a standing order form which you can complete and take to YOUR bank.
We also accept cash but the cost rises to £10 per year (£5 concession).
To join us please complete the form and email us on