Following the success of the inaugural event in 2021, Scottish Craft Brewers are pleased to announce the Scottish National Homebrew Competition will return in January 2022!
This year we are doubling the size of the competition with 200 entries available. Participants will initially be limited to two entries. The first entry will be £10, with subsequent entries £5. General entry registration is now open!
There will be a 7 day presale for paid up members of Scottish Craft Brewers, starting on the 27th of September. You will be contacted by email with details for registration, so please keep an eye on your inbox.
Entries, including the membership pre-sale, will be allocated on a first come, first served basis on receipt of payment via Paypal. If you have not paid, your place in the competition is not guaranteed and your entries may be removed. You can continue to edit your entries after payment until December 31st.
All BJCP 2015 categories up to 34C will be eligible for entry; beers will be grouped in tables of complementary styles for judging. The groupings will be decided based on entries received. Although you will be able to edit your entries in the lead up to the competition, the sooner the final styles are confirmed, the easier it will be for us to organise.
The winner of each table will go forward to the Best in Show competition.
There will also be awards for the Best Overall Brewer, Best Scottish Style Beer (14A, 14B, 14C, 17C and SpecialtyVarieties) and the Best Scottish Craft Brewers Club Member.
Scores and written feedback will be provided to all entrants after the competition.
Entry requirements
We require four unmarked bottles, minimum of 330ml each, in either brown glass or brown PET with plain caps. The competition website will generate an anonymous label which MUST be printed and fixed to each bottle before sending. The competition organisers may disqualify entries that do not meet these requirements.
Postal entries will be accepted between the 6th and the 15th of January. Entries can also be dropped off in person at the postal location during this time period only.
Judging will take place in Edinburgh, on the 22nd, 23rd and 29th of January. Best In Show judging, the People’s Choice Competition and the results announcement will be at a public event held at an Edinburgh venue on Sunday 30th
Registration is also open for judging and stewarding. If you are BJCP qualified and interested in judging, but would need to travel from outside the central belt, please get in touch with us to discuss – we may consider remote judging or be able to assist with arranging your visit. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the judging days.
People’s Choice
The People’s Choice will be a separate free-to-enter competition, judged by attendees at the results event. You do not need to register via the competition site, just bring three unmarked bottles of your beer along to the results day where they will be processed to be judged by other attendees.
As we were unable to hold the People’s Choice in 2021, we will be judging two categories on the day – 20C: Imperial Stout and a second BJCP category that will be chosen by members of the Scottish Craft Brewers Facebook Group and confirmed shortly. The highest scoring in each category will receive a coveted black bottle award.
Covid 19
We are aware of the ongoing Covid 19 situation and potential restrictions that may be in place in early 2022. The 2021 competition was successfully judged remotely however our preference is to return to primarily in person judging for this year’s event. We will endeavour to ensure that any changes to the competition format as a result of these restrictions is communicated to participants at the earliest opportunity.
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