
24 September 2011 – Brewery Tour and Talk Williams Bros Brewing Co .

Williams Brothers Brewery, Alloa

Our September meeting is a visit to the Williams Bros Brewery in Alloa.
The meeting will start at 11am at the brewery (we will publish details of how to get there from various parts of the country closer to the time).

Scott Williams will give a talk and tour of the brewery and we will also get the opportunity to taste their beers.

There will also be the opportunity to do beer swaps and tastings of your own brews if you bring them along.

There is no provision for food at the brewery but if there is an appetite then we may be able to come to an arrangement with a local astablishment.

Please let us know if you are planning to attend as we need to pass the numbers back to the brewery.

Read more:


21 September 2011 – Edinburgh Midweek Meeting

Bring and Taste

Our midweek meetings are inttended to be an informal gathering of brewers where we sample and discuss each other beers. There is usually a good mix of new through to experienced brewers along with a mix of beers styles on offer to try.

Meeting are open for anyone to come along and join in. You can either just turn up on the night or drop a note onto the forum so we know to expect you.

There is a small charge to contribute to the hire of the room and Davie, who runs Edina HomeBrew, sorts us out with some pies for supper.


29 October 2011 – AG Brewing Demonstration and Social Gathering

Dunfermline Brewday
AG Brewing Demonstration and Social Gathering


17 June 2011 – Annual get together at the Real Ale Festival

Annual get together at the Real Ale Festival
Scottish Real Ale Festival, Adam House, Edinburgh


15 June 2011 – Edinburgh Midweek Meeting

Bring and Taste

Our midweek meetings are inttended to be an informal gathering of brewers where we sample and discuss each other beers. There is usually a good mix of new through to experienced brewers along with a mix of beers styles on offer to try.

Meeting are open for anyone to come along and join in. You can either just turn up on the night or drop a note onto the forum so we know to expect you.

There is a small charge to contribute to the hire of the room and Davie, who runs Edina HomeBrew, sorts us out with some pies for supper.


18 May 2011 – Edinburgh Midweek Meeting

Bring and Taste

Our midweek meetings are inttended to be an informal gathering of brewers where we sample and discuss each other beers. There is usually a good mix of new through to experienced brewers along with a mix of beers styles on offer to try.

Meeting are open for anyone to come along and join in. You can either just turn up on the night or drop a note onto the forum so we know to expect you.

There is a small charge to contribute to the hire of the room and Davie, who runs Edina HomeBrew, sorts us out with some pies for supper.


15 May 2011 – Hands-on Brewday

Tryst Brewery, Larbert
John McGarva, owner of the Tryst Brewery, has kindly offered to let us loose on his 5 BBL brewery for the day.
John said that he would be getting things started early (around 8am) and would like help to dig out mash at around 9:30 – 10:00 (we expect that the people taking cars will have to take care of that duty).

Earliest Trains:

Edinburgh Waverley – Larbert
Dep: 9:34 Arr: 10:30

Glasgow Queen Street – Larbert
Dep: 9:38 Arr: 10:02

The brewery is two minutes walk from the station.