The Club 2015 AGM was held on 10th May at McCowan’s Pub, Fountain Park, Edinburgh
Minutes of the AGM
Treasurer’s Report:
- £1458.75 in funds
- 31 members have renewed
- Report was accepted and seconded
- Reminders for membership fees
- Generate names from membership list and contact
- Contact people who haven’t been to a meeting in a long time and ask if they still want to pay – Norrie is working through these on an ad-hoc basis.
- Historically April is start of membership year.
- Remind members that they can pay through cash or standing order. Better for record keeping that a Standing order is raised. This can be done in paper form or electronically by the new/renewing member. Fees will be: £8 for direct debit or standing order and £10 if paying cash at a meeting.
Office Bearers for 2015/16
As is traditional at our AGM, the election of office bearers for the coming year took place. The following club members were elected.
- President: Malcolm Cruickshank
- Vice president: Eli Donald
- Secretary: Norrie Pederson
- Treasurer: Bob Bristow
- Membership Secretary: Gordon Nicol
- Digital Media Manager: Arek Makarenko
- Non office bearing committee: Davie Whyte has stepped down . Aled is to send the list out to Eli, for use on the website.
- See webpage for contact details
It was noted that you don’t need to be on the committee to put forward suggestions etc.
Eli requested that members support the website. Stephen and Aled will input into the wordpress blog.
Aled Murphy will have a look at the SCB twitter account.
Ask Arek as to what the new Video Conference software we are using is.
Ian McManus stepping down from an Office Bearer role! After 17 years of service to the SCB organisation, Ian, is putting his ledger aside. He has held all the offices on the committee and to acknowledge his commitment to the SCB he has been made a life member.
Bill Cooper said a few words describing the inaugural meeting held in 1997. The SCB was set up just after the CBA was set up – it was felt that something similar should be started in Scotland. Ian’s input both as a brewer, qualified Judge and friend is appreciated and the SCB would have been a less happy place without him.
2015/16 Itinerary
Restart midweek meetings – is this possible? The Brewstore was proposed. Possibly downstairs?
Meetups instead?
Future Trips-
- Archer Field + Maltster
- Elixir
- Pilot Brewery
- Abbot Brewhouse
- St. Andrews Brewery
- Krafty Brew
- Hanging Bat
- Brewstore – all grain day
- Home Visits – “Brew days”
- Scottish Craft Brewers BBQ – Beecraigs or Yellowcraigs
- Talks/Activities-
- “Grain Father” talk by Keith / Braumeister by Eli?
- Malcolm C – Beer extracts
- Unusual brewing adjuncts trial brew– try “weird”
Pencilled plan for 2015/16
June Meeting >>> push out to July 9th at Scottish Trad beer festival
September – Heriott Watt talk
Nov – TBD
Jan – Comp
April – AGM, trial brew tasting