Main Judging – Bellfield Brewery Taproom
The results are in!
We had 35 entries in 6 categories from across Scotland and beyond, and the judges tasted some fantastic beers over the weekend. Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to all the winners!
Thanks also goes to the Bellfield Brewery Taproom in Abbeyhill for hosting the main judging, the Campervan Brewery Taproom for hosting the People’s Choice and Prizegiving event, and all the judges who helped out over the weekend.
Finally, a special thanks to SCB President James Collin for once again organising a great competition.
Individual scores for your entries can be viewed online at the competition site, and judges comments are now available. Contact Competition@scottishcraftbrewers.com if you have any queries.

Harry Kirkham – Best In Show
Best in Show is judged between the first placed entries from categories 1-5
1st: Harry Kirkham, Scottish Craft Brewers, EIPA (12C English IPA)
2nd: Gordon Nicol, Scottish Craft Brewers, Wee Bit O’ Coal (17C Wee Heavy)
3rd: Mark Sanderson, London Amateur Brewers, One Be, Or Not One Be (2A International Pale Lager)
1. English
12C English IPA
1st: Harry Kirkham, EIPA (Scottish Craft Brewers)
2nd: Paul Willis, Opus IPA
3rd: Tom Gardner, IPA (Scottish Craft Brewers)
2. American
18B American Pale Ale
1st: Mark Watson, Number 1 APA (Scottish Craft Brewers)
2nd: Ian Cosier, Freshly Squeezed (London Amateur Brewers)
3rd: John Livingstone, American Pale Ale ( Scottish Craft Brewers )
Honourable Mention: Callum Bracher, Hoppily Ever Aftert
3. Scottish
17C Wee Heavy
1st: Gordon Nicol, Wee Bit O Coal (Scottish Craft Brewers)
2nd: Malcolm Cruickshank, Wee Heavy (Scottish Craft Brewers) 3
4. Dark
20A American Porter
1st: Paul Willis, Mountaineer Porter
2nd: Gordon Nicol, Muddy Creek Porter (Scottish Craft Brewers)
3rd: John Livingstone, American Porter (Scottish Craft Brewers)
5. European
2A International Pale Lager
1st: Mark Sanderson, One Be, Or Not One Be (London Amateur Brewers)
2nd: Gordon Nicol, Lager 02 (Scottish Craft Brewers)
3rd: Thomas Corry, Ks15 – Lager
People’s Choice Judging – Campervan Brewery Taproom
6. People’s Choice
22A Double IPA
1st: Bryan Spence, Bens Fumin V1
2nd: Stuart Betts, Co-Brewer: Jamie Skitt, Big Beard DIPA (Black Country Brew Club)
3rd: Harry Kirkham, Dua DIPA (Scottish Craft Brewers)
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